My dad has been having lots of new health issues lately. He has had a cough that when he cant stop he passes out. It happened once while standing in the driveway and my mom could ony watch as he fell over on the cement. They have put him in a wheelchair ever since so he doesn't get hurt. He has been going to many doctor appointments and has many more to go. They just can't seem to find the sources of his problems. They are now looking into blood disease and lymphoma. Hopefully they begin to figure things out!
We had company in Orange County last week, we went to my sisters for the fourth of July and her husbands nephews were there visiting from Utah. They are 3 boys, 14,15 and 17. They are almost identical in personality to my boys so they hit it off right away 3 years ago and love each other like brothers. We spent a few days with them, at the beach, at Knotts Berry Farm and the fourth at my sister's pool.
Mark jr and Kevin went together to Long Beach and did an MLB tryout. The Florida Devil Rays held a try out and we thought it would be a good experience for them. They were happy to go and to go together!
All three boys have made all stars in baseball and games have been going and going and going......
We have a game today in Westhills for Ryan and later in newbury Park for Josh.
The most exciting news lately though was last night, Josh had been in a little bit of a slump the last couple games. Sometimes he gets caught up in trying too hard and forgets he supposed to be just having fun. I could see him up to bat looking back at the catcher trying to see where he was setting up for the pitch, it was causing him to think too hard and not trust himself. After this continued for the next couple pitches I yelled at him to stop looking back, trust himself, see the ball and HAVE FUN, well apparently he listened........
BAM went the bat hitting the ball, on a 1 ball 2 strike count, OVER THE CENTERFIELD FENCE!!!!!
SOLO HOME RUN to tie the game. The smile on his face as he rounded the bases and jumped into the crowd of his team waiting for him at home plate was something even I wont forget. JOSH WAS BACK!!!