At Tanya's house about to head off for our day of adventure!

So I had 4 goals to accomplish in Florida..... to see a wild alligator, to see the flying cockroaches (OH I HAVE STORIES TO TELL ABOUT THAT) to see a wild manatee (another story there) and to see a wild boar. So it took a coulple days and some good hunting but we did finally find the alligators.

I really wanted to get out of the truck and have Tanya take my picture by the alligator but she wouldn't let me and I guess they can go from 0-30 in an instant, so I just needed to zig zag and jump in the back of the truck but her and Bruce weren't game for me doing that. So I had to settle with just a picture of it by itself. Oh well, it was about 5 feet long and still pretty cool. There were quite a few of them out there that day.
Then another night we took Tanya's son Joshua and we went wild boar hunting, we drove out to a natural wild life area and there is a campground out there, there was a man in charge of the camp and we stopped and I asked him if he thought we might spot some wild boar. He said in all his years he had never been asked that question, so he got a good laugh at least. He told us the boar hunters had already been there and they hadn't found any so we were most likely out of luck but thanks for the chuckle. We took off and tried some more good dark areas that would have been a good place for them to be. Joshua had brought his bb gun just in case.

Your "lost" gator photo???????
HMMMMM?????? what do you mean by that??? you must know a story I haven't told yet
Hey you got your picture!! Or is that one of Tonya's?
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