Maggy's family, Delia and Jim's family and Julie's mom and I were the ones to go and be on Julie's team. Jim, Tabin, Manuel, and the older girls ran and the rest of us walked. I pushed Julie in the wheelchair and never dumped her. It was a mixed path, half paved, half dirt trail.... we only got air once and Julie gave a girlie yell that she then wondered where it had come from! =)
We had alot of fun laughing most of the way which caused her mom to not know if I ever needed help or if we were doing just fine. Her mom also kept threatening to give me driving lessons... where the heck does that come from, I never crashed Julie, came darn close but never did! That's all that matters!
Next year Julie will be sporting classy new lungs and wearing a shirt that says DOUBLE LUNG RECIPIENT!!
She also said she would LOVE to be on a team with her donor family too!!!!

OK...Amy "driving" sweet Julie -- with her dear mother ready to catch her at a moment's notice "just in case"...unrecognizable noises coming from Julie....sounds like a hoot and a half...Great job girls!!! No foul!!! I think at next year's walk Julie should get to push Amy in a wheelchair! Here's to new lungs!
I LOVE THAT IDEA!! I hadn't thought of that Debbie! Thanks! Get ready AMY!!
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