I have a big praise! I found a bulge on my chest that has been cat scanned and ultrasounded and it shows nothing so we aren't looking at anything serious. I had my first mammogram (just to rule out the little normal cysts the doctor felt) they checked out OK but OUCH! Actually it wasn't quite as bad as I thought.
So I am healthy and I can continue being a support to my sister Julie!
So here is what is new with us, We went to a family camp in San Diego and while there in the area we went to Sea World. We had a great time, we got to camp in our new camper and we loved it.

Then the boys and I went to Las Vegas with my sister for a week since she had a convention to be at for work. So a paid for trip and a room at the Venetian! WOW! It was beautiful! We had a great time there also. We went to the top of the stratosphere.....

This week my cousin is coming to visit from Washington with her 2 boys so we are going to Orange County to go to Disneyland and visit with them. For Thanksgiving we are going to Oregon to be with alot of family....aunts, uncles, cousins, great great aunts, great grandmas, brother and family and not sure who else.
I love that you take the time you need to be with family. You are so blessed to have that time and you don't deny the opportunity.
You are more than a support to me, a blessing, a kiss from GOD! As is your whole family. I am thankful for your health and give HIM all the glory! Now can we just name your bulge BOB?
So now here you are on blog going to totally show all of us up with your great pic's! Not fair! But at least one of us will have some!
You are a busy gal. I guess that I just didn't realize how busy. I hope that you have a great time in the "OC" and a wonderful Thanksgiving. Hope to see you in between your travels!
Wow. Your kids are getting so big. It is so nice to see your pictures and see what you guys are doing. It seems that we are a million miles apart, but you will always be my best friend. I hope to come to California this coming summer, but we will see what happens. It is nice in Florida as always, and my kids are doing well. I will try to send you some pictures too. Say hi to your family for me.
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